PinnedPublished inJavaScript in Plain EnglishHow to Add In-app Purchases to Your React Native AppComprehensive look at in-app purchases and how to add them to your React Native appJan 13Jan 13
A Small Helper Function for Conditional Requests in Apollo GraphQLIn a project I’m working on, we have a case where many of the queries ran using the autogenerated Apollo GrapQL hooks that depend on the…Feb 23, 2024Feb 23, 2024
How to Style Contents in dangerouslySetInnerHTML with TailwindI recently needed to style the HTML content that was injected into an element using the dangerouslySetInnerHTML property. Since the other…Jan 27, 2024Jan 27, 2024
Published inNyxoMitä sydämen sykevälivaihtelu (HRV) voi kertoa unestaSuurin osa aktiivisuudenseurantalaitteista mittaa sydämen sykettä. Yhä suurempi osa raportoi myös sydämen sykevälivaihtelusta kertovia…Apr 17, 2022Apr 17, 2022
Critique of the Bayesian brain hypothesisAccording to the Bayesian brain hypothesis, our brains are near-optimal in solving a variety of tasks, but is it truly so?Mar 10, 20211Mar 10, 20211
Introduction to JAMstack: a Way of Building Modern Websites And Web ApplicationsJAMstack is a an architecture for building fast, scalable, and more secure services and products on the web with interchangeable services…Feb 17, 2021Feb 17, 2021
I built a React Native App to Manage Netlify Hosted SitesIntroducing Netli.fyiFeb 10, 2021Feb 10, 2021
Published inNyxoAikaistunut unirytmiLiian varhainen herääminen ei aina johdu pelkästään mielessä pyörivistä huolista, huonoista unitottumuksista tai muista ulkoisista…Jan 14, 2021Jan 14, 2021
Published inNyxoEarlier Sleep–Wake CycleIf you wake up too early in the morning, the reason behind is not always in bad sleeping habits, racing mind, or other external factors. A…Jan 14, 2021Jan 14, 2021